Friday, April 21, 2017

Straight Wives Matter

Every first Sunday, I have the pleasure of cohosting the Straight Wives Radio Show with Gay Husband Expert, Bonnie Kaye.  Recently, she shared with me and her listeners an initiative she's starting called Straight Wives Matter.

Now for those who don't know that much about gay husbands and straight wives, it might seem like an oxymoronic misprint.  Why would a person who is gay seek an intimate partnership with someone who is not?  That's a great question.  Just the same, it happens everyday.  In fact, by Bonnie's estimate, "there are 4 million women in this country and millions more around the world who find themselves unknowingly married to a gay or bisexual man."

Straight Wives are an endangered species!

Women full of promise with lots of love to give have been duped into lives undeserving of them time and time again by men who have decided their deterioration is worth the cover story they wished to present to the world.  Then, when they decide to come out of the closet, they are celebrated; but their wives and children are forgotten.   Even in the dissolution of the marriage, the most a woman can state as the reason for the marriage ending is "irreconcilable differences."  A gross under representation of what actually destroyed the marriage, wouldn't you say?

Do you, Boo; just don't do me!

Don't misunderstand.  I believe that men and women should live and love as they choose.  And I have no problem with gay rights, gay pride, gay marriage and the fight for equality in the legal system. What does cause me pause however is the blatant disregard of the spouses and children who are left behind, whose quality of life is blown to smithereens and neither the Straight nor Gay communities seem to care.

If Straight Wives Matter to you, I invite you to contact Bonnie at her Gay Husbands, Straight Wives website or email her at  You see, when I had nobody to fully understand what I went through as a Straight Wife, Bonnie did.  I wouldn't be where I am today, married to a loving straight man and empowering women with a message that true love is possible, had I not mattered to her.

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